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Wind River Canyon in Wyoming
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Cascade Mountains in Washington
Awaken Interviews Kiri Westby Pt 1 – Awakening Is Refusing To Be Deluded Into a World of Just Light

Donna Quesada: Well, Kiri Westby, it is just a pleasure to have you here with us. On a personal note, I’ve been enjoying your book so much.
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Italian Dolomites
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Redwoods forest-New Zealand
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Angels Landing, Zion National Park, Utah
Our Sacred Planet Mother Earth in all of it’s Amazing Beauty and the Quote of the Day 500

Sedona is an Arizona desert town near Flagstaff that’s surrounded by red-rock buttes,
The Best Music for Study? Boost Productivity with These Proven Tips

By Dan Anderson: Something that has always been quite fascinating is the fact that music is a universal language.
An Interview with William James

Taking into account the specific cultural environments of the Spiritist Movement in the USA and Brazil, we present below 20 questions that were asked Dr. William James, the eminent American physician, psychologist and philosopher whom departed the material plane in 1910.
The Essence of Humanism

by William James (1842-1910) Humanism is a ferment that has “come to stay.” It is not a single hypothesis of theorem, and it dwells on no new facts. It is rather a slow shifting in the philosophic perspective, making things appear as from a new center of interest or point of sight.
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Route 163 in Monument Valley
Why You Should Be More Mindful Of Your Sleep

by Laurie Larson: Let’s face it: life is insanely hectic.
Awaken Interviews Sarah Finger – Awaken To Higher Consciousness

David Welch: This Awaken interview is with Sarah Finger, the wife and partner of the legendary yogi, Alan Finger. Sarah is a very adept Yogi in her own right.
William James on Habit

by Maria Popova: References philosopher William James writings on Habit from 1887. “We are spinning our own fates, good or evil, and never to be undone. Every smallest stroke of virtue or of vice leaves its never so little scar.”
The Stream of Consciousness

By William James (1892) The order of our study must be analytic. We are now prepared to begin the introspective study of the adult consciousness itself.
The Gospel of Relaxation

By William James: I wish in the following hour to take certain psychological doctrines and show their practical applications to mental hygiene,—to the hygiene of our American life more particularly.
Three O’Clock Blues (Live) · Gary Clark Jr.

Three O’Clock Blues (Live) · Gary Clark Jr.
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Teetering on the top of 70-foot-tall De La Poer Tower, County Waterford, Ireland.
Seaweed: The ‘Superfood’ That Could Help Fight Climate Change

by Simon Thibault: Seaweed covers the beaches you walk on, it’s dried in your instant miso packets, and researchers in labs all over the world are studying it.
The Practical Version of What Would You Tell the 20-Year Old Version of Yourself

by Donna Quesada: We’ve all seen those articles or snippets of advice floating around social media, which offer profound,
“Immortal” Jellyfish Swarm World’s Oceans

A potentially “immortal” jellyfish species that can age backward—theBenjamin Button of the deep—is silently invading the world’s oceans, swarm by swarm, a recent study says.
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The Subway at Zion National Park In Utah
Awaken Interviews Krishnamurti – Being A Human Being Who Is Actually The Rest Of Mankind

Awaken: Sir Jiddu krishnamurti, I want to first thank you for spending this time with me today. I know that our awakened readers will treasure your words.
‘Awakening the Soul’: One Man’s Challenge to the Post-truth World – Michael Meade

by Jeffrey Howard : “There’s an ancient idea,” is the oft-refrained departure point from which he leads his audiences on an airy, spiraling language-trip which aims, ultimately,