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Cathedral Rock, Sedona, Arizona… United States.
The Hero’s Journey, the Shadow, and Energetic Bodies – Matthew Pallamary

by Mathew Pallamary: Developing an ability to understand and control the self is an integral part of living a healthy life.
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Monument Valley in Arizona
Joseph Campbell: Initiation Through Trials

Joseph Campbell discusses the Sun Dance rituals of the men in Mandan tribe and how they signify being physically placed into their adult roles through hardships and pain.
Sacred Stories We Live By

Stories, folklore, mythology and fairy tales have common elements in all cultures according to mythologist and scholar Joseph Campbell.
The Space where Ram Dass and Timothy Leary Diverge

It is hard to chronicle the era of the late 60s without reference to drugs—or to the Woodstock festival,
Mythical Stories Help Unravel Meaning of Life

When respected television broadcaster Bill Moyers suggested to his producers a series of dialogues with mythologist Joseph Campbell,
The Life and Contributions of Joseph Campbell

Myths provide guidance for difficult times. They can offer encouragement as we struggle to survive horrendous ordeals. Overview: Dr. Young was the founding curator of the Joseph Campbell Archives and Library.
Joseph Campbell on Marriage

by John Michael De Marco: The late mythology professor Joseph Campbell is best known for his book The Hero With a Thousand Faces, which inspired George Lucas to create Star Wars.
Evolution of Awareness – A Conversation with Neale Donald Walsch and Eckhart Tolle

Neale Donald Walsch asks Eckhart Tolle a question in a public conversation
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Milky Way & Meteor over Arches National Park: Photography by Derek Culver
American Culture: Traditions and Customs of the United States

American culture encompasses the customs and traditions of the United States.
Pregnancy Yoga – Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa

Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa: Every year between forty and sixty women come to Los Angeles from places like Iceland, Denmark, Brazil
How To Never Fight Again With Your Partner

by Jonathan Robinson: Some couples (and even therapists) say it’s healthy to have occasional fights with one’s partner.
9 Lessons From the World’s Oldest People (Blue Zone Wisdom)

by Peter Diamandis: Average Americans are living 10-15 years less than people in other developed countries.
Awaken Interviews Jonathan Robinson Pt 3 – Witness Consciousness

Donna Quesada: Jonathan Robinson would you be willing to share what works for you?
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Sawtooth Mountains in Idaho
How to Change the World: An Interview with Don Miguel Ruiz

Don Miguel Ruiz, the author of “The Four Agreements” reflects on what it takes to change the world―and yourself.
Training the Mind to See the Abundance of Greatness

by Kino MacGregor: The daily practice of yoga gives us ample ground to test out the hypothesis of an infinite universe.
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White Sands National Park, New Mexico
Valerie Hunt Healing with Bioscalar Energy

by Valerie Hunt What is Bioscalar Energy Electromagnetic energy is the most plentiful constant energy of our universe. It is a part of all structures living and dead, and the atmosphere.
Awaken Interviews Jonathan Robinson Pt 2 – Align With Your Higher Self

Donna Quesada: Yes, yes. You also talk about scheduling things in life that make us feel good.
Awaken Interviews Jonathan Robinson Pt 1- A Shift In Identity to Pure Awareness.

Donna Quesada: Jonathan Robinson is with us today, and I would like to first start by thanking you for spending an hour with us and with Awaken.
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Arches National Park in Utah