Meetings with Remarkable Men

A brilliant movie based upon George Ivanovich Gurdjieff’s book Meetings with Remarkable Men.
The Fourth Way an Introduction to the Teachings of Gurdjieff

A documentary that looks at Gurdjieff’s studies of religion and theories about life on earth.
Gurdjieff – Sleep and Awakening

We are all asleep – lost in our imagination. Waking up requires that we come into reality. The teachings of George Gurjieff.
Kathleen Speeth: The Gurdjieff Work

The average human is functioning in an unawakened state, according to Russian philosopher and mystic George Ivanovich Gurdjieff.
Gurdjieff Sacred Dance: Assyrian Women Mourners

The Gurdjieff movements are the name given to the collective body of sacred dances that were collected or authored by G. I. Gurdjieff
Gurdjieff: Teacher of Radical Transformation

A presentation on the teachings of G.I. Gurdjieff and the Fourth Way system of self-awareness and transformation of consciousness.
Contact with God

A conversation with George Gurdjieff about God. G: I have already answered this question when someone asked the same thing. I said:
Gurdjieff: States of Consciousness

Excerpt from Gurdjieff: Teacher of Radical Transformation.
Gurdjieff: Teacher of Radical Transformation

The teachings of George Gurdjieff are at the core of all that is most profound in religions, philosophies, and esoteric knowledge.
Our Sacred Planet Mother Earth in all of it’s Amazing Beauty and the Quote of the Day 490

Zion Narrow Zion National Park, Utah, USA
Gurdjieff ‘s Ideas About Man and the Universe

A lecture by Kevin Langdon, October 15, 1986: The ideas I’ll be presenting tonight are intended for those who have understood that there is something fundamentally wrong with them as they find themselves to be and who feel an urgent need for change.
A Distant Glimpse of Gurdjieff

by John Shirley: What is love? What is life? What is death? We’re in the midst of life; we’re all going to die; we all have had experience of love, or we think we have.
Six Recent Discoveries That Have Changed How We Think About Human Origins

by Penny Spikins: Scientific study of human evolution historically reassured us of a comforting order to things. It has painted humans as cleverer, more intellectual, and more caring than our ancestral predecessors…
Guided healing Meditation for Enjoying the Now

Donna Quesada guides you into presence and into the joy of the simple things, in this short and sweet meditation.
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Huayna Picchu is the tall, pointy, green mountain in the backdrop of any classic picture of the citadel of Machu Picchu.
Our Sacred Planet Mother Earth in all of it’s Amazing Beauty and the Quote of the Day 488

Interlace apartment building complex in Singapore.
Awaken Interviews Ananda Giri Pt 2 – You Are All That Exists

DAVID WELCH: Please describe enlightenment.
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Grand Canyon National Park
Awaken Interviews Ananda Giri Pt 1 – You Are Not Separate From Others

David Welch: Ananda Giri we are interested in exploring what it means to awaken.
Inferiority Feelings: The Source of Human Striving – Adler

Alfred Adler: believed that inferiority feelings are always present as a motivating force in behavior.
Awaken Interviews Dr. Dean Ornish #2 Pt 3 – The More You Change, The Better You Feel

Donna Quesada: If there was one single change… Is there one thing that’s more important than anything else between Eat Well, Move More, Stress Less, Love More?
What We Can Learn From The Dying – Stephen Levine

Stephen Levine: interviewed by Tom Ferguson MD: Many people think that if they came down with a fatal illness, they’d react by
Touching the Light: Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit by Merging with God Consciousness

by Meg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D.: Psychic and master healer Meg Losey shares her alternative healing techniques for mind, body, and spirit, in Touching The Light.
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Early morning beach vibes