Metaphors for Life – NLP Training with Richard Bandler

Richard Bandler-awaken

NLP Training with Richard Bandler:  On the television show Ally McBeal the characters had theme songs. The songs were supposed to reflect how they lived their lives, or maybe how they would have liked to live their lives.

Everybody Has Buddha Nature


by Tara Brach:  Over a decade ago, a small group of Buddhist teachers and psychologists from the United States and Europe invited the Dalai Lama to join them in a dialogue about emotions and health.

Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa – Interview


As well as speaking at this year’s Wellness Day 2011, Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa took time to be interviewed on a wide variety of topics surrounding Wellness and the treatment of addiction.

Dr Anodea Judith Sacred Centers

Anodea Judith -awaken

Dr. Anodea Judith, PhD, founder and director of Sacred Centers, groundbreaking thinker, writer, and spiritual teacher speaks about the philosophy of the chakras.

Mother Meera Darshan Home


Here are photos from a devotee’s visit to the Mother Meera Home. Most of them are from the backyard, 

The Divine Bringer of Light

Mother Meera-awaken

Mother Meera is an embodiment of the Divine Feminine, who gives silent Darshan, a spiritual blessing of love and light,

In the Name of Love


By Gloria Karpinski:  Mother Meera:  They come to us and endure the pain inherent in being in this dimension for one reason only – love of us.