Five Things To Know About Yin Yoga


The word “Yin” comes from the ancient Chinese principles of Yin and Yang which are defined as two sides, opposing and complimenting each other.

Sitting With Mother Meera

Mother Meera:  I am cleaning my bathroom. Scrubbing. It is a dreary Brooklyn fall day, 1995. I fulfill my obligation. Suddenly, my body is infused with a feeling that is impossible to describe.

Receiving Mother Meera’s Light


Question to Mother Meera: What should we do to receive your Light and help when you are not with us physically? How can we find the constant inner contact with you?

Is Selfishness Promoted in Society?

Matthieu Ricard on politics in America

by Matthieu Richard: Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan recommends the reading of Ayn Rand’s writings to all his collaborators. Does the United States of America truly want to have a leader whose ideal is to promote selfishness in society?

From Competition to Cooperation – Pt 1

Matthieu Ricard After training in biochemistry at the Institute Pasteur, Matthieu Ricard left science and moved to the Himalayas to pursue happiness and became a Buddhist monk.

by Mathieu Richard: The business world is a world of competition that often is very intense. Unhealthy competition is driven by greed, hostility, and unscrupulous selfishness. However, competition can also used as a source of inspiration to improve what we do.