Guru Singh Super-Consciousness — And Your Higher Awareness
by Guru Singh: Spirit is a master of ‘multi-location’ of ‘super-positioning’ — a master of shape-shifting the illusion in which all Earthly matter uncooperatively struggles.
Richard Moss MD Redefining Progress
by Richard Moss MD: As a student of history what I see in the progress of human cultural evolution is the continuing belief in the illusion of separateness
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Son Doong cave – The world’s largest cave that has its own climate and river
How to Easily Become a Happier Person – Jonathan Robinson
by Jonathan Robinson: What do you absolutely love to do? It need not be a big thing.
Why Yoga Works
by Angela Wilson: Scientists Offer an Explanation of Why Yoga Increases Well-Being.
Dr. Wayne Dyer On The 3 Stages Of Spiritual Awakening
by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer: See The Opportunity In Your Obstacles. The universe is complete and perfect. There can be no mistakes. Nothing is random.
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Multnomah falls, Oregon.
Hopelessness Versus Joy This Holiday Season – Marianne Williamson
Marianne Williamson: It would be easy to slip into hopelessness now, to resign ourselves to the idea that the concentrated assaults on everything from the planet to our democracy
Ken Wilber: What Is Meditation, And How Do I Do It?
by Ken Wilber: You hear a lot of explanations about all of the things that meditation will do,
Native American Shamanism
Shamanism is a system for psychic, emotional, and spiritual healing and for exploration, discovery, and knowledge gathering about non-material worlds and states of mind.
The Man Who Plays Clarinet on the Street: A Zen Lesson – Donna Quesada
by Donna Quesada: Not long ago, I attended a weeklong Yoga seminar in San Francisco.
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Grand Canyon by: Chris Pfeifer
Caroline Myss: Except for the Grace of God Go I
by Caroline Myss: I remember hearing that spiritual prayer of acknowledged gratitude over and over again while I was growing up.
Karen Maezen Miller Unto Us A Child Is Born
by Karen Maezen Miller: A woman came to the retreat in Kansas City in October. With her doctor’s permission, she had driven three hours from Iowa to be there.
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Beaver Falls In Arizona, USA!!!
The Dalai Lama And Desmond Tutu: “The Book of Joy”
In the new book, “The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World” (Avery), two renowned and inspiring figures —
The Dalai Lama And Desmond Tutu On Seeking Joy
We hear a lot about “joy to the world” this time of year. This morning, our Seth Doane introduces us to a man for whom joy is just part of the job.
Andrea Bocelli – Silent Night (A Cappella Version)
Andrea Bocelli stands dressed immaculately inside a cave and begins singing the opening lines to “Silent Night”.
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“Beauty surrounds us but usually we need to be walking in a garden to know it.” – Rumi
Awaken Interviews St. Teresa of Avila – Union of the Whole Soul with God
Awaken: In your work, you so often speak of the importance of humility when traveling the spiritual path. Why is this so important to our spiritual growth?
A Kundalini Yoga Meditation to Burn Inner Anger – Donna Quesada
by Donna Quesada: I remember doing this meditation during a training retreat and feeling like I would die if I held up my arm one more minute!
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Temple of the Condor Megalithic Ruin in Peru
How to Quickly Change How You Feel – Jonathan Robinson
by Jonathan Robinson: Having written two books that consist mostly of questions (The Little Book of Big Questions and Instant Insight), I have a lot I could say about this subject.
Anthony (Tony) Robbins Shares 5 Words That Change Everything
by Bill Carmody: In your business, relationships, or family life, pain is inevitable, but suffering is not.