From Businessman to Spiritual Teacher

Satya Narayan Goenka-awaken

Mr. SATYA NARAYAN GOENKA, the foremost lay teacher of Vipassana meditation in the tradition of the Venerable Ledi Sayadaw, was a student of the late Sayagyi U Ba Khin of Burma (Myanmar). The technique which Mr. Goenka teaches represents a tradition that is traced back to the Buddha.

You Have to Work Out Your Own Salvation

Satya Narayan Goenka-awaken

by Sutirtha Sanyal: Goenka is the leading teacher of vipassana, a popular Buddhist meditation technique.  He was born in Burma to Indian parents and raised as a Hindu.

What Is Goenka Vipassana Meditation

Satya Narayan Goenka-awaken

Goenka is an Indian national, born and grew up in Myanmar (Burma). He learned Vipassana meditation technique from a Burmese Vipassana meditation teacher in Myanmar, and later Goenka was officially appointed by this teacher to teach others on Vipassana meditation.

Altruism in Financial Life


Roshi Joan Halifax answers the question, what role can Altruism play in making our financial life more meaningful?

Waging Peace

lynne twist Taking a Stand vs. Taking a Position

by Lynne Twist: Dr. Robert Muller, former assistant secretary general of the United Nations, now Chancellor emeritus of the University of Peace in Costa Rica was one of the people who witnessed the founding of the U.N. and has worked in support of or inside the U.N. ever since.