Jean Shinoda Bolen – We Came to Make A Difference

Jean Shinoda Bolen explains that in the second stage of life a woman’s blood is retained to create a baby and that in the third stage her blood is retained to create wisdom.
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Rock House in Hocking Hills State Park, Ohio
Awaken Interviews Ken Wilber Pt 6 -You Can Lose Your Fear In Fifteen Minutes

Donna Quesada: I’m not sure I completely understand what you mean by projection in this sense.
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Lake Sorvagsvatn, Faroe Islands – the lake is 30m above the Ocean
De-conditioning The Mind with Vipassana

Shri S. N. Goenka answers questions about the importance of Vipassana meditation.
From Businessman to Spiritual Teacher

Mr. SATYA NARAYAN GOENKA, the foremost lay teacher of Vipassana meditation in the tradition of the Venerable Ledi Sayadaw, was a student of the late Sayagyi U Ba Khin of Burma (Myanmar). The technique which Mr. Goenka teaches represents a tradition that is traced back to the Buddha.
You Have to Work Out Your Own Salvation

by Sutirtha Sanyal: Goenka is the leading teacher of vipassana, a popular Buddhist meditation technique. He was born in Burma to Indian parents and raised as a Hindu.
The Extraordinary Ordinary Life and Death of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

by David Kessler: Ten years ago this month, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross died. She was the world’s foremost expert on death and grief, yet she was the most alive person I’ve ever met.
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Mont Saint-Michel A City in France.
What Is Goenka Vipassana Meditation

Goenka is an Indian national, born and grew up in Myanmar (Burma). He learned Vipassana meditation technique from a Burmese Vipassana meditation teacher in Myanmar, and later Goenka was officially appointed by this teacher to teach others on Vipassana meditation.
Eid & Rosh Hashanah: Introspection and Responsibility

Rabbi Michael Lerner speaks about Rosh Hashanah and the meaning of our lives in partnership with God.
Women Mystics and the Mystical Awakening – Jean Houston

Wisdom University presents “Women Mystics and the Journey Toward Mystical Creativity” – taught by Jean Houston and Peggy Rubin.
Dr. Alberto Villoldo: This Sacred Earth Homo Luminous Choosing to Evolve

This Sacred Earth, author, shaman and medical anthropologist Alberto Villoldo Ph.D. talks about homo luminous and choosing to evolve, with filmmaker Billie Dean.
Altruism in Financial Life

Roshi Joan Halifax answers the question, what role can Altruism play in making our financial life more meaningful?
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Soon to have a Moon Base
Using a Bucket List to Focus

Roshi Joan Halifax: reflects on how we can use tools like the Bucket List to enhance our lives.
Joseph Campbell Your Were Never Born And You Will Never Die

By Joseph Campbell: “The idea of the reincarnating principle is thus of two orders:
The Spiritual Quest with Bob Thurman And Karen Armstrong

Karen Armstrong: We call Global Spirit the first “internal travel” series, because the topics and the discussions so often lead to a kind of inner exploration.
Tools of Kundalini Yoga: Breath of Fire for Burnout – Donna Quesada

Donna Quesada shares a powerful pranayama or breathing technique from the tradition of Kundalini Yoga, called Breath of Fire,
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Watkins Glen State Park is in the village of Watkins Glen, south of Seneca Lake in Schuyler County in New York’s Finger Lakes region.
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The ideal home for two bunnies! I mean you did plant this garden for us didn’t you?
Unconditioned Consciousness and the Power of Now

A Dialogue between Eckhart Tolle and Mary O’Malley.
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Wonderful Kalpa Valley,Himachal Pardesh,India
Waging Peace

by Lynne Twist: Dr. Robert Muller, former assistant secretary general of the United Nations, now Chancellor emeritus of the University of Peace in Costa Rica was one of the people who witnessed the founding of the U.N. and has worked in support of or inside the U.N. ever since.