Quotes by Oprah


“Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.” “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” “Surround […]

Quotes by Judith Orloff

Dr. Judith Orloff-awaken

“Spirituality is not for sale. It must be developed.” “When you feel stuck in reverse, take a breath and let go.” “It’s not the burden of your mate or anyone else to heal your emotional issues.” “The relationship with your self is the most important relationship you’ll ever have.” “Surrender to life today. Don’t fight […]

Quotes by Leonard Jacobson


“Everything that happens is designed to awaken us. Everything.” “We are on a journey of becoming that which we already are. That is the impossible paradox of our lives.” “Whenever you see the love in me, know that it is the love in you that you are seeing.” “The past is gone. The future never […]

Quotes by Louise L. Hay


“I am in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing.” “Every thought we think is creating our future. ” “The road to freedom is through the doorway of forgiveness.” “You have the power to heal your life, and you need to know that. We think so often that we are helpless, […]

Quotes by Jean Houston


“I firmly believe that all human beings have access to extraordinary energies and powers. Judging from accounts of mystical experience, heightened creativity, or exceptional performance by athletes and artists, we harbor a greater life than we know.” “At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities.” “Our senses are […]

Quotes by Janet Attwood


“Passion arises from the heart, and your heart’s impulse is more likely to be closer to the truth than your mind’s analysis.” “One of our favorite sayings is: “Fear is vividly imagining exactly what you don’t want to happen, happening.” “The happier you are, the more attractive you will be to those you love and […]

Quotes by Gary Zukav


“Your heart is your home, and all roads lead to home.” “Subatomic particles do not just sit around being subatomic particles. They are beehives of activity.” “Please… tell me who you are and what you want. And if you think those are simple questions, keep in mind that most people live their entire lives without arriving […]

Quotes by Gangaji


“Fulfillment has nothing to do with circumstances.” “Need nothing and then see what happens.” “It is important to recognize that you are special, the most special, the only special.” “To be truly happy you must recognize who you are with nothing.” “You cannot be happy unless you are serving the truth of your being, however […]

Quotes by Dr. Wayne Dyer


“Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.” “How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.” When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.” “A mind at peace, a mind centered and not focused on harming others, is stronger than any physical […]

Quotes by Dr. Andrew Weil

Dr. Andrew Weil-awaken

“Happiness is a skill. It requires effort and time.” “Pay attention to your body. The point is everybody is different. You have to figure out what works for you.” “I don’t think we have a health care system in America. What we have is a disease management system.” “The best way to detoxify is to stop […]

Quotes by Don Miguel Ruiz


“Be Impeccable With Your Word. Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.” “Don’t Take Anything Personally. Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a […]

Quotes by Dolores Cannon

Dolores Cannon-awaken

“The awakening is the purpose. The awakening of the fact that in essence we are light, we are love. Each cell of our body, each cell and molecule of everything. The power source that runs all life is light. So to awaken to that knowledge, and to desire to operate in that realm, and to […]

Quotes by Bernie Siegel


“If you want to create a miracle, find the surfboard of your life and get on it!” “Life is a miracle, and it is derived from the intelligent, loving, conscious energy that created it.” “Someday I hope we will spend as much money exploring inner space and the wonders of the human body as we […]

Quotes by Caroline Myss


“If anyone tries to complicate your life, turn and walk away from them.” “Whenever you become empowered, you will be tested.” “You are afraid of your own empowerment  as much as those around you are of you becoming empowered.” “Always go with the choice that scares you the most, because that’s the one that is going to require […]

Quotes by Barbara Marx Hubbard

Barbara Marx Hubbard: Conscious Evolution

“The social potential movement is on the threshold of a mass awakening, seeking to carry into society what individuals have learned spiritually and personally.” “Common sense dictates that we evaluate our beliefs on the basis of how they affect us. If they make us more loving, creative, and wise, they are good beliefs. If they […]

Quotes by Amma


“Only when human beings are able to perceive and acknowledge the Self in each other can there be real peace.” “All I am concerned with is what positive I can do.” “Different people will think different things – that is the nature of the world. People have the right to have faith or not to […]

Quotes by Arjuna Ardagh


“In a quantum universe, magic is not the exception but the rule.” “The shift that initiates you into the translucent life is an awakening that is beyond thinking and feeling, and changing experiences.” “Whenever we release our need to be right about everything as parents, we are able to meet our children in a relationship […]

Quotes by Adyashanti


“The mind may accept or deny that you are awareness, but either way it can’t really understand. It cannot comprehend. Thought cannot comprehend what is beyond thought.” “The more you awaken, the more you feel, ‘I might not want to repeat the past, but I wouldn’t have one second of it any other way.” “This […]

Dr. Andrew Weil

Andrew Weil, MD, has devoted the past 30 years to developing, teaching, and educating others on the principles of integrative medicine. Weil is an internationally recognized expert on integrative medicine, medicinal herbs and mind-body interactions. The founder of Weil Lifestyle, LLC, a leading resource for integrative medicine education, information, products, and services, Weil combines a […]

Reverend Michael Beckwith

Dr. Michael Beckwith’s life is a living testament to building spiritual community. In the 1970’s he began an inward journey into the teachings of East and West, and today teaches universal truth principles found in the New Thought-Ancient Wisdom tradition of spirituality. Gifted with a vision of a trans-denominational spiritual community, in 1986 he founded […]

Barbara Marx Hubbard


Barbara Marx Hubbard has been called “the voice for conscious evolution of our time” by Deepak Chopra and is the subject of Neale Donald Walsch’s new book “The Mother of Invention.” A prolific author, visionary, social innovator, evolutionary thinker and educator, she is co-founder and chairperson of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution. She is the […]

Leonard Jacobson

Leonard Jacobson is deeply committed to helping others break through to the joyous experience of living in the NOW. He teaches how to become fundamentally present and how to arise in mastery of your mind and ego, so that you are no longer involuntarily pulled out of Presence. Leonard embodies a profound depth of Presence […]