The New Alchemy – Alan Watts


by Alan Watts: Besides the philosopher’s stone that would turn base metal into gold, one of the great quests of alchemy in both Europe and Asia was the elixir of immortality.

Byron Katie- Explains The Work


Spiritual Teacher Byron Katie explains how “the work” helps to realise one’s projections and correct one’s view of the world.

Body Mind Mastery by Dan Millman


Body Mind Mastery by Dan Millman. Time for some Big Ideas from Dan Millman’s great book, “Body Mind Mastery.” Hope you enjoy!

Love Until It Hurts – Ken Wilber


In “Love Until It Hurts,” Ken Wilber discusses the nature of women’s spiritual practice and suggests some of the important ways that it differs from men’s.

Mysticism Defined by D.T. Suzuki


D. T. Suzuki is credited with bringing Zen to America. Through books, articles, and teaching, Suzuki helped make Zen instruction widely accessible in North America.