Rare Large fire Opal from Ethiopia Photo: NaturalArtMinerals
...The Tennessee/North Carolina State Line. Appalachian Life by Aileen J Kreiss
...The Wave is the premier photographic destination in the US Southwest. It is located in...
Nothing like a sunset over the ocean!
...Yosemite National Park is an American national park in the western Sierra Nevada of Central...
Pirate Hoodoo found near Page AZ. Looks just like a pirate hat and Mother Nature...
Japanese cedar or Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica)
...The Baatara gorge sinkhole in Lebanon is a triple waterfall that drops 255 meters (837...
Nepal Photo by nikitoz.balabanov
...The great Anjihai canyon, China…
...Ribbon Falls In Arizona, USA
...Son Doong cave – The world’s largest cave that has its own climate and river
...Multnomah falls, Oregon.
...Grand Canyon by: Chris Pfeifer
...Beaver Falls In Arizona, USA!!!
...“Beauty surrounds us but usually we need to be walking in a garden to know...
Temple of the Condor Megalithic Ruin in Peru
...Waqrapukara Archaeological Site from Cusco Peru
...Apukuna Tiananis a Quechua word that means ”The abode of the gods”, is located in...