Articles for: EARTH

Donna Quesada: Too many people are in survival mode or they give up all together…


Scientists at Oxford University Physics Department have developed a revolutionary approach


by Jacob Devaney: The importance of water in the Lakota Tradition…


by Chris McDermott: Erin from Scotland had already switched to a completely plant-based diet when...

We live in a world of unseeable beauty, so subtle and delicate that it is...

by David Wallace-Wells: Famine, economic collapse, a sun that cooks us: What climate change could...

by Marianne Williamson: “The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else...

by Sarah Klein: It’s everyone’s favorite workout that doesn’t feel like a workout…


Donna Quesada: So, we have the reason, concerning our health, and the reason concerning our...

Donna Quesada: Ocean, I want to thank you, first of all, for your time today....

by Sami Grover: It can be hard to sustain climate resolutions as we get back...

by Al Gore: The Biden administration will have the opportunity to restore confidence in America...

by Lindsay Oberst: John Robbins is a food legend. His father founded and owned the...

Lynne Twist: A call from the indigenous people of the Rainforest to change our Collective...

Lynne Twist: speaking about the power of taking a stand and the urgency of our...

by Jane Goodall: I have spent many years learning about chimpanzees and been amazed at...

Gardening is fun, but if you don’t have a garden or if you live in...

by Cheyenne Reed: 1) Sedona is What You Might Call a Big Deal…


David Welch: Before we begin, I just wanted to let the Awaken community know how...

Barbara Marx Hubbard: JEFFREY MISHLOVE, Ph.D.: Hello and welcome. I’m Jeffrey Mishlove. Our topic today...

by Ed and Deb Shapiro: Marianne Williamson an uplifting and inspirational speaker and author of...

David Deida: What does it take to create a lasting sexual attraction between a man...

1HR Ambient Drone Film + Music by Nature Relaxation™ for Stress Relief…


By Barbara Mark Hubbard: Please visit to see Barbara’s upcoming courses and events…
