Category: Enlightenment

by Donna Quesada: Below is a simple but classic Indian story as was told to...

by Jivan Joti Kaur: In the West, spirituality and sexuality have not traditionally been seen as...

David Welch:  What does it mean to awaken? Is there a process leading to levels...

by Eckhart Tolle: Until my thirtieth year, I lived in a state of almost continuous anxiety interspersed...

by Kris Steinnes: Jean Houston, Ph.D. is one of the founders of the Human Potential Movement. With...

Donna Quesada: Well, Ken, I want to thank you for your time. It’s just an...

Donna Quesada: You know, I’m glad you brought this up. There is this… in spiritual...

Donna Quesada: Leonard, you experienced a series of awakenings in the 80s,


Donna Quesada: Well Leonard, it’s just a pleasure to meet with you again.


Is seeing the Humour in Enlightenment the key to finding it?


by Shai Tubali: Spiritual Enlightenment is a process – and a very long one…


by Dr. Martin Ball: Before I took my turn, I stated my intentions and what...

by David Loy:  At the heart of Buddhist teachings is a crucial ambiguity that has...

by Christine Horner: Congratulations! You have awakened to your true nature, Oneness with God/Creation.


by Therese Schwenkler: If we aren’t careful, it’s all too easy to get caught up...

by Amateo Ra: If you are reading this, then you are well on your way...

All beings within our galaxy have this energetic force that is known as Kundalini…


Dr. Jeffery Martin: The Mind Layer is essentially one’s interface with the world.


US Department of State: Recalling the meeting between President Xi Jinping and President Joseph R....

Donna Quesada: I want to say thank you for your time today, and I really...

What is enlightenment? by Leonard Jacobson: There are a number of levels from which I...

by Dr. Jeffery Martin: The core characteristic of Fundamental Wellbeing is the experience of a fundamental...

by Dr. Jeffery Martin: Location 1


by Leonard Jacobson: I want to begin by saying that I know who you are....