Articles for: Featured

Donna Quesada: Leonard, you experienced a series of awakenings in the 80s,


Donna Quesada: Well Leonard, it’s just a pleasure to meet with you again.


by Dr. Bohdanna “Billie” Zazulak: Taras Shevchenko, Ukraine’s most revered poet and artist, wrote these...

by Therese Wade, MS, RHt: Every part of your body has its own consciousness or...

by Paramahamsa Yogananda: Christ is risen from beneath the sepulcher of your indifference if you...

Donna Quesada demonstrates a powerful meditation, using synchronized breath work with a clapping motion,


by Jurgen Ziewe: The term Awakening has been widely used lately to describe the phenomenon...

Donna Quesada: Well, it’s nice to see these practices… I do teach Kundalini yoga, and...

Donna Quesada: Too many people are in survival mode or they give up all together…


Donna Quesada: Good morning, Mr. Congressman. Congressman Tim Ryan: How are you?


I love experiencing every age. I rejoice in each passing year. – Louise Hay…


by Ram Dass: Imagine feeling more love from someone than you have ever known…


by Dr. Nikki Starr Noce MD: As individuals and as a collective, we will know...

by Jacob Devaney: The importance of water in the Lakota Tradition…


by Mary Nurrie Sterns: Essential to our investigation of fear, courage, and the unknown is...

1. If You Can’t be Happy Everywhere, You Can’t Be Happy Anywhere—


by Jonathan Robinson: In Arthur C. Clarke’s science fiction classic, Childhood’s End, aliens descend on...

By Shakti Gawain: Here is an exercise in the basic technique of creative Visualization: First,...

What I was wondering is if you could talk a little about distinguishing between healthy...

Donna Quesada leads a short meditation for dealing with rough times. Join in to let...

by Tony Robbins: In honor of Dr. Wayne Dyer, whose transformative message touched so many...

Donna Quesada: And so, do you feel that Yoga and meditation are necessary for this...

Donna Quesada: And so, how would you say… because this comes up all the time…...

Donna Quesada: So, Gurudhan. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart...