Articles for: Featured

by Joan Halifax Roshi: This past August, more than 50 people gathered in the Circle...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: Intricately linked to the ability of the prefrontal cortex to come...

Donna Quesada: Something else you said that really struck me, and I believe it was...

by Rabbi Rami: Roadside Assistance for the Spiritual Traveler…


by Mary O’Malley: You are an expression of the amazing creativity of your life…


by Tony Robbins: Ever wonder what it’s like to be at a huge Tony Robbins...

Christina Stevens followed a sacred call she received in a dream—to go to India and...

Meg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D. offers fascinating and practical perspectives and advice about what affects our...

by Donna Quesada: Have you ever had the opportunity to observe the Japanese tea ceremony?


The Dali Lama: Two talks at Stanford emphasize the need for dialogue in resolving conflict,...

Donna Quesada: Oh, this person is awakened or this person is a spiritual teacher…everything is...

In 1967 R.P. Vaish, a devotee of Baba’s, came to Kainchi to see Baba…


Three thousand years ago it was realized by Buddha that the mind was the real...

Donna Quesada: You’ve written so extensively about the subject of awakening…what led you to this...

by Shakti Gawain: New World Library cofounder Shakti Gawain talks about how her international bestseller...

by Mata Amritanandamayi (Amma): Every action, if done with awareness, can become yoga, Amma says...

Donna Quesada: Hello, Gary. Gary Zukav: Hello.


An inspirational and profound speech on the eternal now by Alan Watts. Original Audio sourced...

by Ananda Giri, I am certainly not the kind that believes in an omnipotent God...

by Roshi Joan Halifax: When we use the term mindfulness, we are usually referring to...

Donna Quesada shares a simple breath meditation to strengthen the neutral mind,


by Bonnie Bright, Ph.D: Love and Relationships as a Spiritual Path in the 21st Century:...

Dating from the thirteenth century, the Sema ritual performed by the Semezens from the Mevlevi...

By BJ Gallagher: Years ago I read Living in the Light by Shakti Gawain and...