by Robert Thurman Ph.D: When the Dalai Lama Accepted the 1989 Nobel Peace Prize for...
In this short video, Leonard Jacobson guides viewers into a deep state of Presence.
...Donna Quesada: Now, I want to go a little deeper. I find this so fascinating...
by Genefe Navilon: We all have a somewhat vague idea of spiritual awakening…
...Donna Quesada: Well, Sharon, I want to thank you for spending this hour with us…...
Donna Quesada: With all of that said, religion had a real problem with what Galileo...
Jonathan Robinson: Mhmm. You know in a previous Awareness Explorers episode we talked about the...
by Barbara Marx Hubbard: A small group of women had gathered to listen to Barbara...
by Catherine Ingram: Catherine Ingram is an international dharma teacher with communities in the U.S.,...
by Arjuna Ardagh and Jonathan Robinson: How can technology, and specifically artificial intelligence, affect our...
Donna Quesada: And it seems that all these practices have that in common…getting you to...
by Steve Andreas: About eight years ago, Virginia gave a workshop in San Francisco with...
by Donna Quesada: It started happening when I was around 18 years old. I remember...
by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: Modern physics explains that interactions across time and space are possible…
...As the UN Climate Summit approaches, Archbishop Desmond Tutu has recorded a new video calling...
by Myra Goodman: Renowned Buddhist teacher Jack Kornfield explains how to be an effective teacher...
Awaken: I want to start by thanking you for sharing your time with us today....
With the help of Byron Katie, a woman learns about the origins of hatred and...
by Dr. Michael Beckwith: Life is in a love relationship with itself. It is this...
The microphone wasn’t working properly and Virginia Satir, the legendary psychotherapist, was delighted. (February 12,...
Death and Dying is the subject of a new 18-hour on-line video workshop series featuring...
by Sonia Choquette: Most people agree that forgiveness is one of the most empowering and...