by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The word ‘anatha’ in Sanskrit means one without a master....
The official trailer of the Game Changers Documentary by James Cameron and his wife on...
by Karen Le Cussan: A little over a week ago I had the most amazing...
Albert Einstein: This private letter expresses views never meant for public consumption by of one...
by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: The Laika have always been ordinary men and women who live...
Gary Zukav: “Emotions are classes in the Earth school. Some classes are about fear, and...
by Daniel Redwood: Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, M.D. is one of a kind. She has been widely...
Donna Quesada shares the Wahe Guru mantra and her experience with the practice of devotion Richard Moss M.D: He talks about his life, his awakening and how we can...
His Holiness the Dalai Lama talks about the benefits of a calm mind during his...
Khandro Thrinlay Chodon: The feminine principle can be viewed at different levels in accordance with...
by Sonia Choquette PHD: Do you worry about finding your purpose?
...Tara Brach and her husband, meditation teacher Jonathan Foust, have developed a regular practice for...
by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: We all came into this world gifted with innocence, but...
by Pir Vilayat Khan: Meditation is the art of moving back and forth between two...
Donna Quesada: So, “integral” is what we’re aiming for, because that’s when wholeness is revealed… Karen Maezen Miller: Karen Maezen Miller on how meditation helps her bring “doing nothing”...
by Janna Messing: The following interview was written for a special issue, “The Spirit of...
“Gabrielle Bernstein is doling out inner peace and self-love for the post-modern spiritual set. Alan Watts: The experiences resulting from the use of psychedelic drugs are often described...
by Lachlan Brown: For years I struggled to find the peace I really wanted… Alan Watts: We think of letting go as something you need to do to...
Donna Quesada shares a few words about why it is important for mental health to...
by Paramahansa Yogananda: The ancient rishi Patanjali [150BCA or 2nd c BCA] defines yoga as...