Articles for: Featured

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: The luminous energy field (LEF) is an invisible matrix that informs...

Deepak Chopra MD: and Stuart Hameroff take an in-depth dive into the science of consciousness.


by Donna Quesada: The Three Minds—


by Byron Katie: Twenty-nine years ago, at the bottom of a 10-year fall into depression,...

Gunner Michanek: Mindfulness comes from the center…


David Welch: What are the three levels in Mindfulness?


David Welch: How would you describe Mindfulness?


by Catherine Ingram: After years of wandering, this contemporary Indian sage is now attracting hundreds...

by Thich Nhat Hanh: Suppose your partner says something unkind to you, and you feel...

Donna Quesada chants and explains the mantra Sat Narayan Wahe Guru, Hari Narayan Sat Nam,...

by Chameli Ardagh: You are the light of awareness embodied in time and space.


by Arjun Walia: The most heartbreaking thing to see and to witness is an innocent...

by Abbot George Burke: To someone who wished I would write anything I might know...

GURU SINGH: It’s exactly like money. Ego is what ego does. Money is what money...

Donna Quesada: So there’s this interplay between doing and letting. Doing and letting go.


Donna Quesada: Sat Nam, Guru Singh! Guru Singh: Sat Nam! How are you?


by Joan Halifax Roshi: This past August, more than 50 people gathered in the Circle...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: Intricately linked to the ability of the prefrontal cortex to come...

Traditional worship practices are a part of Native American tribal gatherings with dance, rhythm, songs...

Donna Quesada shares her experience with Thich Nhat Hanh, along with a guided smiling meditation...

Christina Stevens followed a sacred call she received in a dream—to go to India and...

by Ed and Deb Shapiro: We have a newspaper photograph of Bishop Tutu, his hands...

by Tony Robbins: When you think of all the relationships in your life, it’s easy...

Donna Quesada: Oh, this person is awakened or this person is a spiritual teacher…everything is...