Articles for: Featured

David Welch: So my second question is around mindfulness. How would you describe the present...

David Welch: Awaken seeks wisdom that will help us in our personal and collective processes...

by Donna Quesada: Jesus is Universal—


by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer: Light is our true essence…


Donna Quesada shares a very special meditation, with the affirmation “I Am the Grace of...

As many of you know, Carl Jung is one of the greatest western psychologists to...

Donna Quesada: Robert, I want to ask…you know the name of our site is…so,...

Donna Quesada: We are talking about Buddhism and the state of the world and making...

by Eckhart Tolle: Being Content, No Matter the Circumstance…


Donna Quesada: So, in terms of your work with the Tibet House, which coincides with...

Oprah Winfrey sharing her story explaining why you can get what you want in life.


by Alan Watts: It is as difficult for Anglo-Saxons as for the Japanese to absorb...

(Or… What Is the Meaning of Life?) – Donna Quesada.


by Roshi Joan Halifax: (Exercise from The Lucky Dark) In teaching care of the dying,...

Thich Nhat Hanh answers questions during a public event…


by Leonard Jacobson: In the present moment, there is no death. Then where is death?


Donna Quesada: You know, it’s funny you should bring up the word awakening. Because I...

Donna Quesada: Well then, if you don’t mind, I’ll get right into it. I was...

An Evolutionary Conversation with Barbara Marx Hubbard by Alan Sasha Lithman


In this video Dr. Jeffery Martin shares what our scientific research with over 1,000 people...

by Leonard Jacobson: To trust in God really means to live in total acceptance of...

Donna Quesada shares the importance of breaking free from victim consciousness and closes with a...

Author Katherine Woodward Thomas needed a miracle in her love life. She was 41 years...

Rabbi Rami Shapiro: All of this back story may be, you know, the Divine Mother...