Articles for: Featured

by Jean Houston: What is real spirituality but the art of union with Reality?


Eckhart Tolle: Question: If Being, or God, is the creative source of all energy and...

David Welch: One last question. How do we get society to recognize, embrace and incorporate...

David Welch: Can you share a little bit about yourself and what you’ve been going...

by Azriel ReShel: Can these teachings be a sacred guide in troubled times?


by Caroline Myss: The heart of so many mystical disciplines is “Stay fully present.” Learn...

by Donna Quesada: Following her talk on dropping thoughts and spaciousness in meditation, in this...

Ram Dass probes deeply into the nature of helping relationships. He suggests that when we...

by Gangaji: To inquire into something is to open to it, to meet it, and...

Donna Quesada for Awaken: Dear Swami Vivekananda, it is an honor to spend this time...

by Jenny Kleeman: In the sticky monsoon heat of early August in Kerala, I was...

by Adyashanti: Look around you; there is only one reality. The reason that you are...

Donna Quesada explains the role of spaciousness in meditation,


To listen is to lean in softly with a willingness to be changed by what...

David Welch: What would you say is the purpose of life? Or of your life?


David Welch: Would you mind giving your definition of dharma?


David Welch: What does it mean to awaken?


Dr Nikki Starr Noce, MD: This week I turned 30 years young…


The Enlightenment teachings of Leonard Jacobson


Donna Quesada shares some words about trauma, the role of spirituality in facilitating the healing...

by Dalai Lama: I am an old man now. I was born in 1935 in...

Donna Quesada: Well, with both of you starting on your spiritual paths at such a...

Donna Quesada: And that is one of my favorite books that you two co-wrote together:...

Donna Quesada: Well, Ed and Deb Shapiro… Welcome! And it is just wonderful to see...