by Marco Antonio: Some spiritual communities recognize seven chakras…
...Guided Meditation Video for Children and their Parents Steve Ayan: You probably do not understand yourself as well as you think you...
Shakti Gawain talks about New World Library’s 35-years in the publishing business, the 25th...
by Madison A. Baker: Spirituality is one of the most important aspects of human life. Andrew Harvey: An Excerpt From “Evolutionary Love Relationships: Passion, Authenticity, and Activism
...Dr. Christiane Northrup: Having spent the last 30 years assisting women in healing themselves on...
by Jack Canfield: The longest, deepest, most important love affair you’ll ever experience is the...
by Arjun Walia: Things have drastically changed since Galileo was placed under house arrest for...
by Ananda Giri: We are human beings. It is widely agreed that the human race...
byPeter Diamandis: How long you live is a function of many factors, most importantly your...
by Dr. Wayne Dyer: Are you living your life as intended? Are you listening to...
Love is all embracing and it expresses itself only in freedom Neil Crossley: The story of Wichita Lineman
...By Gloria Karpinski: Meera means miracle. Mother Meera is a miracle. I want to share...
By James Westly: George Gurdjieff and Peter Ouspensky left behind them a rich legacy of...
by Rabbi Rami Shapiro:I have three great loves in my life: dogs, books, and a...
By Lauren Krauze: Dream Yoga expert Andrew Holecek explains how tapping into our lucid dreams...
by Richard Moss MD: Subtle Touch. This is the second of a series of four...