Articles for: Featured

5 Lessons To Live By – Dr. Wayne Dyer (Truly Inspiring)…


A Dialogue between Eckhart Tolle and Mary O’Malley.


by Isa Gucciardi, Ph.D: The need to face our own death, or the death of...

Margot Anand featured in the upcoming documentary Sex to spirit.


by Marianne Williamson: A giant in the fields of alternative medicine and spirituality, my friend...

Marion Woodman On The Inner Marriage Of The True Masculine And The True Feminine interviewed...

Louise L. Hay and Cheryl Richardson discuss the book they wrote together


Donna Quesada: I remember when I was in the Zen temple, some of the intellects...

by Peter Meisen: 1997 (Introduction: I found many of Buckminster Fuller‘s writings to be pivotal...

by Sharon Salzberg: A friend of mine, an attorney named Jocelyn, was highly successful and...

by Justin Gammill: As we wander through this journey that is life, we go through...

by Donna Quesada: Everything Feels Overwhelming—


Spiritual teacher and author Caroline Myss says we all have an intuitive gut that helps...

by Ed and Deb Shapiro: Many years ago, we were teaching a meditation weekend in...

Dr. Margaret Mead: Are today’s young parents equal to their job?


by Tara Brach: Over a decade ago, a small group of Buddhist teachers and psychologists...

by Meg Blackburn Losey PHD: There are energetic forces at work that are bringing much...

by Dr. Norman Williams, Col. K.K. Nair and Barry Oborne: Most people have heard of...

by Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth with Bill Moyers, Episode 4, “Sacrifice and...

Donna Quesada:: We have a new section on awaken that is specially designed for guided...

Barbara Marx Hubbard suggests that we are in a unique evolutionary phase in which the...

by Georgina Cannon: Do You Have Trouble Saying No?


Lynne Twist is a global activist, fundraiser, consultant and author — has devoted her life...

by Donna Quesada: I have found that meditation is not limited to those moments when...