by Jack Kornfield: The most obvious principle in the maintenance of a wise spiritual community...
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and how it appears in Disney’s Up.
...Anodea Judith PhD: Speaks about discovering yoga and the chakra system.
...The veteran naturalist and broadcaster is not holding back (this time)…
...Bestselling author of The Four Agreements, and heart-centered teacher don Miguel Ruiz recently spoke with...
Donna Quesada: Now, I also wanted to follow up on that. Do you have a...
Donna Eden shows her Energy Exercise Connecting Heaven and Earth which helps move stress out...
Donna Quesada: Beautiful. Now, Dr. Jenna, I would like to ask you about your own...
Donna Quesada: It’s so nice to see you, Dr. Sister Jenna. Raya Bidshahri: There is nothing to be gained from blind optimism. But an optimistic...
Is seeing the Humour in Enlightenment the key to finding it?
...Donna Quesada:: Well, good morning Arjuna. Arjuna Ardagh: Hey.
...Pema Chödrön: describes a liberating way to relate to our fears: not as something to...
by Ray Hemachandra: When someone I know is having a tough time… Shai Tubali: Spiritual Enlightenment is a process – and a very long one… Gabrielle Bernstein: I’ve noticed a common theme among many of my readers and audience...
“Heaven on Earth is a choice you must make, not a place you must find.”...
by Dr. Martin Ball: Before I took my turn, I stated my intentions and what...
Kim Eng: In exploring our day to day interactions with people, we can often become...
by Dolores Cannon: So the purpose of the three waves is two-fold. One: to change...