Articles for: Featured

byElla Rozett: Holding Two Marys Together…


A talk by Mooji: When I simply relax in your presence and close my eyes,...

by Claudia Hackl: Do you know this feeling? When you have worked so much for...

by Shannon Kaiser: Which stage of spiritual awakening are you in?


by Cyrus Macmillan: Once when the snow lay very deep on the ground and the...

by Jack Canfield: By acknowledging and facing fears, we can reach the other side…


Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with...

Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi (September, 30 1207 – December, 17 1273), known more popularly in...

by Osho: Let sex be a playfulness…


Awaken: Firstly, thank you so much for spending this time with us. It is a...

by Axriel Reshel: Each one of us feels love. Each one of us has a...

by The Dalai Lama: The basic source of all happiness is a sense of kindness...

by Gabby Bernstein: The great Sufi poet Rumi said, “The wound is the place where...

by Aletheia Luna: When you both met, the tantalizing heat and magnetic connection between the...

by Kiri Wesby: Three recent examples we can all emulate.


by Silvia Boorstein: “When I recognize the pain I feel because of loss,” says Sylvia...

by Adyashanti: To move beyond all pairs of opposites within oneself is the heart and...

A lecture by Kevin Langdon, March 20, 1992. In the Fourth Way, one works on...

Why some Chinese millennials are taking up the hermit’s life in the mountains.


A Course in Miracles Lesson 1 – Nothing I See Means Anything…


by Vincent Williams: Few and far between are writings that have power to shape a...

by Chief Yellow Lark: Oh, Great Spirit…


by Jack Canfield: The longest, deepest, most important love affair you’ll ever experience is the...

Donna Quesada: That reminds me of a story I’m wondering if you can share. It’s...