Articles for: Featured

by Neale Donald Walsch: Must we fully engage the thinking mind in order to perceive...

by Barbara Marx Hubbard: Conscious evolution is a “mother” meme…


by Donna Quesada: Resolutions are too extreme…


By Marshall Rosenberg: Nonviolent Communication (NVC) includes a simple method for clear, empathic communication, consisting...

by Megan Larson: Lama Lakshey Zangpo has returned to the mystical realm of Nepal,


The Love of a Pet—Marcel


by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer: See The Opportunity In Your Obstacles. The universe is complete...

by Sonia Choquette: So often, we get trapped in a relationship with ourselves that doesn’t...

by Marion Woodman: “She couldn’t be more perfect!” my colleague had exclaimed, scanning the pages...

Richard Moss, MD, is an internationally respected spiritual teacher and author of 5, important books...

We’ve invented the wheel, cracked the code of DNA—so what’s next for humankind? Marion Woodman,...

by Lena Schmidt: Everyone has masculine and feminine energies…


by Maria Popova: “You have to learn to recognize your own depth.”


by Swami Sivananda: Christmas is known to all men the world over historically as the...

We hear a lot about “joy to the world” this time of year. This morning,...

by Bryce Haymond: At this time of year the Christian world celebrates the birth of...

by Donna Quesada: He Grows You—


by Daya Mata: Our next question is, What is Truth? First of all, let us...

by Daya Mata: Many questions arise in the minds of those who think about God:...

Awaken: Firstly, I want to thank you for spending this time with us. I appreciate...

Awaken: It is an honor to spend this time with you today. I thank you...

By Megan Tusler: With the publication of Coming of Age in Samoa, Margaret Mead brought...

Janet Bray Attwood speaks with Johnny Simonello, at The Conscious Life Expo, about using the...

by Carl Rogers: In the autumn of 1964, I was invited to be a speaker...