Donna Quesada: Well Karen, it’s wonderful to see you again. It was a pleasure to...
Gina Murdock: I’ve had a chance to experience “The Work,” and I am amazed at...
by Rabbi Rami Shapiro: This story is rooted in one simple idea: “When you know...
by Sandra Ingerman: Imagine…“Imagine. Before you were born you were just a little spark of...
by Marianne Williamson: The collective mutation that will turn things around…
...Milton’s Secret is a live action film for the whole family. Based on a book...
by Marianne Williamson: Love can be the most exhilarating human emotion one can experience…
...Traditional worship practices are a part of Native American tribal gatherings with dance, rhythm, songs...
by Arjuna Ardagh and John Gray: The Conscious Man learns to balance his masculine and...
Donna Quesada shares her experience with Thich Nhat Hanh, along with a guided smiling meditation...
Arjuna Ardagh: Living Radical Brilliance is not only a matter of getting coached, adopting practices...
by Gabby Bernstein: The second chapter in my new book, Super Attractor is called “It’s...
by Omega Institute: A powerful practice of self-inquiry created by Byron Katie, The Work consists...
by Ed and Deb Shapiro: We have a newspaper photograph of Bishop Tutu, his hands...
by Deepak Chopra, M.D: Are you evolving personally?
...By Steve Taylor PhD: The Transformational Effect of Letting Go of Resentment… Rabbi Rami Shapiro: I’m in recovery and suspect that my addictions keep me from...
by Stanislav Grof, M.D., Ph.D: The leading philosophy of Western science has been monistic materialism…
...From how we get around to how we spend our time to how we manage...
by Tony Robbins: When you think of all the relationships in your life, it’s easy...
by Adam Siddiq: Have you ever been to a Tony Robbins event? Rabbi Rami Shapiro: Donuts can teach us a deep lesson about our brains and...
by Leonard Jacobson: During his opening talk, Leonard describes who we are in truth and...