Articles for: Featured

by Bridget Fonger: I recently participated in a four-week online course with Marianne Williamson called...

by Jonathan Robinson: Congratulations on choosing to read this essay…


by Dr. Georgina Cannon: There are two additional overarching categories of relationships that people always...

by Ananda Giri: It is true that we cannot continue with our same old habitual...

Sharon Salzberg teaches on why equanimity is important, and how to foster it…


by Deepak Chopra: Leadership is a hot topic and will always be one.


Sharon Salzberg from the ‘Wisdom of Awareness’ Retreat with Sogyal Rinpoche and Tsoknyi Rinpoche, talks...

The Future of God – A Practical Approach to Spirituality for Our Times by Deepak...

by Barbara Marx Hubbard: Do you want to go beyond the competitive culture of the...

Excerpted from Adyashanti’s audio course Redemptive Love (Q&A)…


by Jack Kornfield: Asked to reflect on how I have changed my mind and perspective...

Guru Singh: In the world of the spiritual path — of awakening — there’s long...

Question: If a Westerner were to become totally enlightened, what would happen to other people...

by Donna Quesada: YOGA; Nadis, Chakras, Prana & Kundalini (Why Raise the Kundalini?)


by Sandra Ingerman: Imagine yourself sitting in a circle with members of your community.


Donna Quesada: What struck me about your magic trick and having a way out is...

In this short 5 minute video from Adyashanti, you will hear a message that is...

by Ken Wilber: Precisely because the ego, the soul and the Self can all be...

by Maria Popova: “If we ever reach the point where we think we thoroughly understand...

by Tara Brach: Four steps to stop being so hard on ourselves….


by Leonard Jacobson: When you become fully present, thoughts stop and your mind is silent…


by Caroline Myss: Paradox is one of the languages of the Divine, an apparent contradiction...

by Tara Brach: Omega… In recent months there has been significant unrest in various parts...

Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Eckhart Tolle (Author, ‘The Power of Now’...