Articles for: Featured

by Trish Rohrer: How Sharon Salzberg found loving-kindness in the darkest of times…


by Jonathan Robinson: In 1996, I helped create the largest participatory event in human history.


by Don Miguel Ruiz: For centuries, even millennia, humans have believed that a conflict exists...

Another story of miracles and grace. This one is relayed by Caroline Myss…


The Legacy of Wisdom, a non-profit project dedicated to developing a vision of best practices...

by Deepak Chopra: There are three levels of response to the COVID-19 outbreak: how it...

by Tom Rapsas: Do you believe in a force that is greater than yourself? If...

by Sonia Choquette: Browsing through my favorite bookstore last week, in the self improvement section...

by Caroline Myss: I’ve just returned from a lovely workshop tour to Austria and Germany…


by Richard Cavendish: Saint Marie-Bernarde Soubirous saw the first of her 18 ‘visions’ in Lourdes...

by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: How long should I meditate to get enlightened?


by Oprah Winfrey: Author Marianne Williamson says a miracle is a shift in perception from...

by Gabrielle Bernstein: Bestselling author Gabrielle Bernstein’s new book,…


by Jonathan Robinson: On the path toward enlightenment, there is an ever-present obstacle that one...

by Gabrielle Bernstein: Right now we’re in a special and powerful position, because the world...

Question : How should a beginner start this practice? Ramana Maharshi: The mind will subside...

by Ram Dass: We need the matrix of thoughts, feelings, and sensations we call the...

This is a very important guidance for seekers of Truth to understand the storms of...

by Arjuna Ardagh: For decades, I have been an on-the-road kind of guy giving talks,...

Oprah Winfrey: Luminita Saviuc: “Your life has an inner purpose and an outer purpose. Inner...

by Leonard Jacobson: Awakening is simple.


by Dr Wayne Dyer: The motivational speaker and author of such self-help books as “Your...

by Jonathan Robinson: Many years ago I went to India to visit a disciple of...

by Thich Nhat Hanh: The Order of Interbeing (Tiep Hien) was formed by the Vietnamese...