Articles for: Featured

by Suza Scalora: In part one of this new interview series, Changing the World From...

by Donna Quesada: 20 years ago, I took my Zen Boddhisattva vows with my teacher,...

Awaken: Thank you, Sri Ramana Maharshi, for honoring us with your time today. If I...

by Louise Hay: I am not a healer. I do not heal anyone. I think...

by Swami Krishnananda: There is an aspect of life called materialism, from which the West...

Donna Quesada: So the idea is to recognize the creators that we are? You said...

Donna Quesada: In preparing for this interview, I came across something you said along these...

by Neale Donald Walsch: Something very unusual is occurring on this planet right now. You...

by Mooji: Taken from Sunday satsang tea session December 22 2013.


Donna Quesada: Hi Marianne. It is so nice to meet you!


by Mary Malley: Mary O’Malley is a spiritual teacher and author of several books, including...

Anthony (Tony) Robbins: Your ultimate happiness in life depends on your ability to find and...

Hi, my name is David Welch, founder and CEO of Awaken Global Media. Today, I...

by Donna Quesada: 1. Listen to great music. Even better is dancing with it.


by Jo Confino: Leading spiritual teacher warns that if people cannot save themselves from their...

In case you missed it back in 2012, here is the rare and beautiful interview...

by Gabrielle Bernstein: Today I’m really excited to share a lesson from my book The...

Donna Quesada: What have been your practices? I imagine that maintaining a state of awakening...

by Neale Donald Walsch: Might this be a fine stretch of eternity during which to...

In 1945 the United States dropped atomic bombs on Japan, and the world caught its...

Donna Quesada: That leads me to another point, if I can. You spoke about existential...

Sri Daya Mata was one of the foremost disciples of Paramahansa Yogananda. A true “Mother...

Donna Quesada: Well, Richard. It’s so nice to finally have this time with you.


Marion Woodman (1928-2018) has left us a rich legacy of material for those in search...