Articles for: Featured

by Sara Childre: Increasing numbers of people are commenting about a heightened attunement in their...

“It is remarkable how closely the history of the apple tree is connected with that...

“In Buddhism, the word ’emptiness’ is a translation of the Sanskrit sunyata…


by John Foreman: It’s no secret that modern life can be stressful..


I recently discovered this letter from Ram Dass’ archives…


Masculine and Feminine


by Jack Adam Webber: A rich inner life requires us to be energetically empty inside…


By Jalaja Bonheim, PhD: Do you often feel isolated, invisible and unheard? If so, you’re...

by Donna Quesada: Below is a simple but classic Indian story as was told to...

by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer: The secret of happiness from St. Francis of Assisi…


by Roshi Joan Halifax: At a Mind and Life Institute conference on neuroscience and compassion...

Awaken: A very good day to you, Mr. Einstein… we are so appreciative to have...

AWAKEN: Saint Hildegard, it is an honor to spend this time with you. May we...

Spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle believes in the practice of staying present.


by Baron Baptiste: Living Outside Your Own Limits…


Donna Quesada shares a new and unique prayer to reduce stress.


by Kedar Nath: Buddha taught the message of mercy and non-violence towards all living beings…


by Roshi Joan Halifax: I began practicing with Roshi Bernie Glassman and Jishu Angyo Holmes...

David Welch is the founder and CEO of Awaken Global Media and Chief Editor of...

David Welch: What does it mean to awaken? Is there a process leading to levels...

Dan Millman is a former world champion athlete and author of 14 books, including Way...

by Bala Das: Most people don’t realize that there are many branches of Yoga…


by Donna Quesada: We live in a world in which “doing” is emphasized. The notion...

What is love? It is a question sure to elicit a great many responses…
