by Leonard Jacobson: When you become fully present, thoughts stop and your mind is silent… Caroline Myss: Paradox is one of the languages of the Divine, an apparent contradiction...
by Tara Brach: Omega… In recent months there has been significant unrest in various parts...
Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Eckhart Tolle (Author, ‘The Power of Now’...
Donna Quesada shares the technique and practice of Breathwalk, in which breath, Tara Brach: When we really listen to another, they sense a space where they...
by Donna Quesada: Presence and Reincarnation; A Contradiction in Terms? Dr Wayne Dyer: Our proclivity toward addictive behaviors subsides measurably as we begin to...
Donna Quesada: It’s a pleasure to see you again, personally, and also because I know...
Jonathan Robinson: If you can fog a mirror, you have probably noticed two things. the Dalai Lama: This teaching by the Dalai Lama explains how the Buddhist teachings...
Amma: When a child is born into a family, it makes everyone happy, but at...
In the hundred years since the birth of Paramahansa Yogananda, this beloved world teacher has...
“Kundalini Yoga is the science to unite the finite with Infinity, and it’s the art...
by Marianne Williamson: In a free society we do not all have to agree with...
by Glenn Plaskin: Anthony (Tony) Robbins: At the Los Angeles Convention Center, 5,000 fans are...
by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer: The Consolations of Infinity…
...Donna Quesada shares a few words about the physiological benefits of the sigh, and demonstrates...
by Caroline Myss: One of the more difficult truths to convey to people is that...
by Gabby Bernstein: The topic of accepting people where they are is one that’s been...
by Adyashanti: In essence the entire spiritual endeavor is a very simple thing: Spirituality is...
by Elizabeth Dias: On the morning of his 80th birthday…