Articles for: Featured

by Sandra Ingerman: Imagine…“Imagine. Before you were born you were just a little spark of...

by Marianne Williamson: The collective mutation that will turn things around…


Raghu: Can you talk about how we go about cultivating compassion so that we start...

by Leonard Jacobson: Awakening involves crossing a threshold from one level of consciousness to another....

by Arjuna Ardagh and John Gray: The Conscious Man learns to balance his masculine and...

by Allie Stark: When spiritual transformation comes knocking on your door, it unapologetically asks you...

Arjuna Ardagh: Living Radical Brilliance is not only a matter of getting coached, adopting practices...

by Gabby Bernstein: The second chapter in my new book, Super Attractor is called “It’s...

by Omega Institute: A powerful practice of self-inquiry created by Byron Katie, The Work consists...

by Donna Quesada: Consciousness Blooming—


by Deepak Chopra, M.D: Are you evolving personally?


By Steve Taylor PhD: The Transformational Effect of Letting Go of Resentment…


by Stanislav Grof, M.D., Ph.D: The leading philosophy of Western science has been monistic materialism…


by Christina Feldman and Jaya Rudgard: Teachers Christina Feldman and Jaya Rudgard explain why we...

by Adam Siddiq: Have you ever been to a Tony Robbins event?


by: Nadia Colburn: I know of no spiritual teacher or person who more fully embodies...

by Rabbi Rami Shapiro: Donuts can teach us a deep lesson about our brains and...

by Leonard Jacobson: During his opening talk, Leonard describes who we are in truth and...

by Gary Zukov: Last week our granddaughter graduated from Oregon State University…


by Jodi Ettenberg: I went to New Zealand to break my brain and put it...

By Jack Kornfield: Spiritual Awakening is found in the here and now.


by Jack Kornfield: May I be filled with lovingkindness…


by Arjuna Ardagh: In a previous article I talked about the single most important factor...

by Jay Michaelson Can you be both a bestselling author and a radical spiritual teacher?...