Marion Woodman (1928-2018) has left us a rich legacy of material for those in search...
by Ken Russell: Certain books are so outstanding that I find it hard to even...
Tony Robbins: How much free time do you have lately? Did that question just make...
According to Pema Chödrön, we might think that knowing ourselves is a very ego-centered thing,...
by Dylan Charles: Loneliness, when accepted, becomes a gift that will lead us to find...
Donna Quesada: I guess I have two questions. Why isn’t this stuff taught in our...
“When you do everything only for God, things are getting solved by themselves.” Neem Karoli...
Donna Quesada: So, breaking away from the tribe? Caroline Myss: But you have to understand...
Donna Quesada: Hi Caroline, thank you again for sharing your time with us and the...
Question – Beloved Master, tell me the way from sexuality to love. Virginia Satir: At this writing I have been a therapist and teacher for nearly...
by Richard Moss MD: We are not born, in essence, American, French, Japanese, Christian, Muslim,...
by Kay Campbell: I can’t quit thinking of a mosquito sipping the blood of His...
Donna Quesada: how do we take responsibility and acknowledge that interconnectedness that you were just...
by Donna Quesada: Anxiety and depression have never been so prevalent. Deepak Chopra, MD: “Enlightenment” is a word that has gotten so entangled with vague...
The Law of Attraction is a fundamental Universal principle that states that you attract into...
Donna Quesada: So much of spiritual practice is about dropping the searching, and by extension,...
Karen Maezen Miller: We have to reach the point where we are not yet ready...
The Legacy of Wisdom, a non-profit project dedicated to developing a vision of best practices...
Donna Quesada: Maezen, I want to thank you for being with us today. I’m just...
Donna Quesada: So it’s a kind of a spaciousness, a distance to where you’re able...