In nearly four decades of working with dying patients, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross (1926–2004) studied thousands of...
Donna Quesada: And it seems like it’s willingness in seeing your part in shaping the...
Donna Quesada: I would just like to say, welcome to Byron Katie and express how...
by Robin Fasano: Famed medical intuitive Caroline Myss shares guidance on navigating these tumultuous times.
...Donna Quesada: That reminds me of a story I’m wondering if you can share. It’s...
Donna Quesada: That’s a beautiful story. Something I have notice in researching you and your...
What is enlightenment? by Leonard Jacobson: There are a number of levels from which I...
Donna Quesada: Nice to meet you Bernie, I’m Donna. Dr. Bernie Siegel, M.D.: Thank You.
...Dr. Lauren Jinshil Oliver interviews Jean Houston. 7/18/12 David R. Hawkins M.D., Ph.D: Finding spirituality on a cold winter’s day…
...I enjoyed reading these two excerpts, one from Osho and one from Eckhart Tolle, describing...
by Karen Maezen Miller: Counting breaths—the simplest of mindfulness practices—took Zen teacher Karen Maezen Miller...
A guided meditation with Ram Dass…
...This is a delightfully concise and to-the-point description of Kundalini energy, Ram Dass: Ramana Maharshi said, “Look, it’s all very simple, everybody,” Adyashanti: Awakened awareness practices focus on dis-identifying with the conceptual mind, specifically the false...
Guru Singh, Guru Singh, offers insight and invaluable tips on staying young.
...Adyashanti outlines the essential principles that form a foundation of understanding of his teaching. Adyashanti: This interview is featured in the 3DVD set “Science and Nonduality Anthology Vol.2”
...Sadhguru speaks about why for most people, it is easier to keep emotions focused and...
by Ed and Deb Shapiro: Marianne Williamson an uplifting and inspirational speaker and author of...