Articles for: Featured

by Ram Dass: “During life, keep death on your shoulder and identify with your soul…”


Marianne Williamson: In less than 24 hours, the year 2020 will come to a close.


by Marianne Williamson: There is a revolution occurring in the world today, but it is...

by Rabbi Rami Shapiro: Hanukkah isn’t about lighting candles, clogging your arteries with fried food,...

by Ray Hemachandra: Here are extended excerpts from the article “Life Loves You! An Interview...

by John Assaraf: Nobel Prize winning physicists have proven beyond doubt that the physical world...

by Ray Hemachandra: Ray Hemachandra –How practical is the practice of alignment with the present...

The invitation: Open up your heart and feel grateful for this day, the beauty of...

Richard Moss, MD, is an internationally respected spiritual teacher and author of 5, important books...

by Bonnie Greenwell Ph D: If you feel you are in a spiritual awakening process,...

by Claire Barrand: As a resident of Abergavenny I will be a part of the...

by Victor M. Parachin: Practice gratitude in the way of the Buddha. Scientists suggest that...

by Nirmala: A definition of spiritual enlightenment or spiritual awakening is hard to pin down.


by Tom Rapsas: The Bhagavad Gita is an ancient Hindu spiritual text whose name means...

by Rabbi Rami Shapiro: Before I share what I do regarding spiritual practice, let me...

by Paul C Pritchard: There’s a better civilization available to us.” Dr bruce Lipton


by Ed and Deb Shapiro: A true Yogi is someone who displays great wisdom and...

by Dharmavidya David Brazier: Buddhism is not just a set of techniques for self-help. There...

by Dr Nikki Star Noce, M.D: Ever looked back on life and wonder why something...

by Susan Lafferty: Their lifesaving love story was one in a million – a fairy...

by Ed and Deb Shapiro: If you haven’t any charity in your heart, you have...

by Kathy Juline: Eckhart Tolle’s first bestseller, The Power of Now, has riveted readers with...

by Ed and Deb Shapiro: Not many of us come from the perfect we-all-agree-on-everything family…


“Paradoxically, the ability to be alone is the condition for the ability to love.” –...