Articles for: Featured

by Dalai Lama: Innermost Awareness Is The Essence Of All Tibetan Buddhist Teachings…


by Tobias Churton: A brilliant new biography of the mystic poet and artist William Blake...

by Ed and Deb Shapiro: Our human life is the means we have to be...

What happened to the famous novelist Ernest Hemingway is an example of the typical “brief”...

By Ed and Deb Shapiro: No one thought Donald Trump would win the election, so...

by Pema Chödrön: If you want to pitch in and help solve the world’s problems,...

Leonard Jacobson ‘The Path Of Champions’ Interview by Iain McNay, Leonard is the author of...

by Deepak Chopra: The state of loneliness can be crippling. Though the majority of people...

by Jackson Peterson: The first principle is becoming aware of our thoughts and the nature...

by Anita Moorjani: Known around the world for her bestselling book, “Dying to Be Me:...

by Marybeth Noonan: I’ve been able to see and hear spirits for as long as...

by Deepak Chopra: Everyone has things in their past that linger no matter how much...

Eeek! Eeek! Eeek! the bird cried. It! It! It! And the world as Peter Coyote...

by Myrko Thum: Many teachings from Zen-Buddhism are told in short and delightful zen stories.


by Veronica Lee: Relationships Versus Spiritual Growth…


by Marianne Williamson: Your inner self needs to be heard….


by Edwene Gaines: The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity…


Don Miguel Ruiz asks us to consider the questions that drive our lives and govern...

by Jacqueline Davieau: After my son passed away I turned to my spirituality for healing...

by Marianne Williamson: God will replace the darkness with light…


by Pragito Dove: Trust is not about anybody else. It is an intuitive inner “knowing”...

Documentary on the great Indian sage Sri Ramana Maharshi…


by Jordan Cohayney: For those of you who aren’t familiar, a Vision Quest is exactly...

by Donna Quesada: What follows is an excerpt from a book that I have been...