Articles for: Home Left

by Matthew Fox, Lama Tsomo: The Reverend Matthew Fox is a former Dominican priest in...

by Cristian Violatti: The philosopher Confucius (or Kongzi, c. 551 to c. 479 BCE) is...

#1: Prana normally flows in either Ida or Pingala: Our kundalini energy system is usually...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: Last week we introduced the triune brain model…


by John Roger Barrie: The eloquence of the deepest silence echoes from the eternal…


Marianne Williamson: Excerpts from her book A Return To Love. Music by John Boswell, A...

Awaken: Firstly, thank you for so graciously sharing your wisdom with our awakened readers today.


by Donna Quesada: This simple mantra and guided meditation will guide you into the Neutral...

Eckhart Tolle, author of THE POWER OF NOW, offers insight into dealing with the death...

by Terence Loose: Say the name “Elvis” and you probably envision the tender-eyed, sequin-wearing King...

Leonard Jacobson: When you are present, you are love, and there’s nothing you can do...

Donna Quesada: And how do we balance our own individual awakening with the call for...

The following text is a description of Ambalatthika-rahulovada Sutta – The Pali text named “Instructions...

Donna Quesada: I remember one part in the book that struck me, you spoke to...

Donna Quesada: I would like to talk more about what your practice is, and how...

by Peter H. Diamandis, MD: The boundaries between digital and physical space are disappearing at...

Donna Quesada: Well, Kiri Westby, it is just a pleasure to have you here with...

by Bill Scheffel: I once heard Tsoknyi Rinpoche comment that terms for the unconditional –...

by Dr. Nikki Starr Noce: Death Valley was an incredible experience. What a beautiful place...

by Kira Newman: A new study suggests that we judge ourselves more harshly than others...

by Karen Roy: We have often heard the term “it’s a dog’s life.” But what...

God is everything and everywhere, but the active Spiritual presence is like a fire that...

by Linda Hess and Sukhdev Singh: Possibly the most-quoted poet-saint of north India is Kabir,...

By Dan Anderson: Something that has always been quite fascinating is the fact that music...