Articles for: Love

by Gabrielle Bernstein: For 20 years I kept a journal. I wrote about heartbreak, anxiety,...

We cleanse our home energetically in order to welcome good, high vibration energy into your...

by Megan Larson: As a child therapist (and animal lover) I am often asked questions...

by Oprah Winfrey: A stranger’s compassion can make a world of difference…


by Arjuna Ardagh: A few years ago, when my children were still young, we had...

by Sharon Salzberg: On July 4, many Americans celebrate freedom – both the freedoms we...

Marion Woodman talks about self love.


by Falan Storm: Sex is meant to be sacred, I believe…


Moderated by Melvin McLeod: Sharon Salzberg: In speaking about metta practice, or loving-kindness practice, one...

by Arjuna Ardagh: This is an excerpt from the new book I have co-authored with...

by Jade Small: Tantra is one of the modern sexual buzzwords that many people are...

by Katie Morton: This post is based on the book titled 10 Secrets of Extraordinary...

Marianne Williamson: EVERY MORNING when you wake up, your mind is more open to receive...

To listen is to lean in softly with a willingness to be changed by what...

by Rabbi Rami Shapiro: Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick doth proclaim: “There are more important...

by Louise Hay: Little babies love every inch of their bodies…


Marianne Williamson share her insights with readers of this blog. Marianne is an internationally...

by Lantham Thomas: As a woman working in the field of health and wellness, you...

by Jonathan Robinson: Your real Self, sometimes referred to as your soul or pure awareness,...

Based on Pat Burns’ interview with Michael Bernard Beckwith, Ph.D., and Rickie Byars Beckwith, Ph.D.


Dearest… Ed passed away last Sunday at 3pm. I am so happy he is free!


By JAKE HALPERN: THERE are entourages — and then there is the retinue of Mata...

“The pleasure of living and the pleasure of the orgasm are identical. Extreme orgasm anxiety...

Anthony (Tony) Robbins: Are you familiar with the ho’oponopono, the Hawaiian approach?
