Articles for: Love

by David Deida: Truth: Sooner or later, even sex with someone you love can become...

Jan Doyle, Host of Classroom Connections, continues the conversation with Bernie Siegel M.D. on topics...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: Transforming the dream of love that is unconditional requires you to...

by Bernie Siegel M.D.: Love and laughter are required to build and hold our lives...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: In earlier blogs, we talked about the dream of security and...

by Sheril Kirshenbaum: As new anthropological research shows the different ways we express love, Sheril...

by Jack Kornfield: The near enemy of love is attachment…


by Marianne Williamson: Love can be the most exhilarating human emotion one can experience…


by Ed and Deb Shapiro: We have a newspaper photograph of Bishop Tutu, his hands...

by Tony Robbins: When you think of all the relationships in your life, it’s easy...

Mention the word sex and eyes widen and ears perk up…


In Brotherhood, Deepak and Sanjiv Chopra reveal the story of their personal struggles and triumphs...

by Jonathan Robinson: As a couple’s therapist, I get to see a lot of relationships...

by Jonathan Robinson: It has been said that there are endless ways to have a...

When I think of Thích Nhất Hạnh, words like – stillness, love, compassion, peace and...

by Richard Moss MD: I wonder if many of you, like myself…


by Monika Carless: “Your openness draws your man into you more deeply, and you feel...

by Donna Quesada: I confess that I have had the thought that presence is boring…...

Maranda Pleasant: Where is it that you draw from to create beauty in your life?...

Making love is the ultimate form of expression in a relationship…


by Arjuna Ardagh: Why in Radical Releasing do we stick to the words and the...

by Sharon Salzberg: Switching from a passive recipient of love to a living embodiment of...

No more ‘Not tonight, dear’ – there are a load of good health reasons to...

the Dalai Lama: One great question underlies our experience, whether we think about it consciously...