Articles for: Love

By Liane Buck: An award-winning author, Dr. Georgina Cannon is a change catalyst, corporate speaker,...

by Arjuna Ardagh: The last couple of months have been characterized in our house by...

by Gabrielle Bernstein: For 20 years I kept a journal. I wrote about heartbreak, anxiety,...

by Nora Wendel: Have you designed your relationship vision? Are you aware of your love...

by Oprah Winfrey: A stranger’s compassion can make a world of difference…


by Tara Brach: Evolution has rigged all of us with a negativity bias…


by Sharon Salzberg: On July 4, many Americans celebrate freedom – both the freedoms we...

by Kathryn Drury Wagner: Get busy and sharpen your memory…


Moderated by Melvin McLeod: Sharon Salzberg: In speaking about metta practice, or loving-kindness practice, one...

by Tara Brach: In this excerpt from her new book, Trusting the Gold, Tara Brach...

by Arjuna Ardagh: This is an excerpt from the new book I have co-authored with...

According to Pema Chödrön, love and compassion are like the weak spots in the walls...

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer: By Glenn Paskin, Excerpt from Family Circle Magazine: How do we...

by Lantham Thomas: As a woman working in the field of health and wellness, you...

by Jamie Lauren Zimmerman: Last weekend, I spent several days with Dr. Wayne W. Dyer...

by Leonard Jacobson: Relationships by their very nature are based in the past and future....

By JAKE HALPERN: THERE are entourages — and then there is the retinue of Mata...

by Sharon Salzberg: To be kind to others, you need to start with yourself…


by Ram Dass: The first kind of love we are familiar with is the bio-chemical...

by David Deida: Truth: As you grow spiritually, first you become neutralized and then you...

Dr. Wayne Dryer: Our body is made up of chemicals, far too many for me...

by Ram Dass: Some of you make love, physically. Some of you are in love...

“Who will be the happiest person? The one who brings happiness to others.” His holiness,...

by Douglas Martin: Swami Satchidananda, the guru with the gigantic cottony beard who opened the...