Articles for: Love

by H. James Birx, Visiting Scholar, Harvard University, 1997: Are science and theology reconcilable in...

What follows is the transcript of an On Being interview, between Krista Tippett and John...

by Osho: Yoga is not a religion-remember that. Yoga is not Hindu, it is not...

by Matthew Abrahams: As a philosopher and theologian, MLK’s vision was about more than just...

by Tony Robbins: Love. Everyone needs it. Family and friends are one form of love,...

This is an excerpt form Arjuna Ardagh‘s book “Better Than Sex: The Ecstatic Art of...

by Heather Havrilesky: I’m an advice columnist, so sometimes people ask me about how they...

Question : Is samadhi the same as turiya, the fourth state? Ramana Maharshi: Samadhi, turiya...

Question : The yogis say that one must renounce this world and go off into...

Question : How is realization made possible? Ramana Maharshi: There is an absolute Self from...

Question : For controlling the mind, which of the two is better, performing japa of...

Question – Osho, when this question arises — who am i? — i get very...

Question : Often you have spoken about your rebellious childhood and how it gave you...

by Osho: The mind is always either in the past or in the future. It...

by Sharon Salzberg: Meditation teacher Sharon Salzberg takes an honest look at the pain and...

by Gabrielle Bernstein: As a newlywed, I’ve had the opportunity to reflect on my relationship...

by Dr. Nikki Starr Noce, MD: The masses are awakening. The secrets are being uncovered....

by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés: May peace be with you and with your heart. There...

by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: One who serves the enlightened, one who serves the wise,...

by Pearl Nash: Do you also think the world has become a crazy place? Do...

by Jack Kornfield: Guilt and anger and fear are part of the problem. If you...

by David Deida: She is enjoying our sexing. She is happy, smiling, moaning. She has...

by Kelsey Miller: Life is, generally speaking, a wonderful thing. Personally, I have very little...

by Rachel Rosenblit: So long, Carrie Bradshaw—there’s a new role model for go-getting thirty somethings....