by Stephanie Watson: Oxytocin can help us bond with loved ones and can be released...
by Valerie Fridland Ph.D: The history of thanking teaches us some surprising things about gratitude. Matt Christensen: Resentment is sneaky. The sooner you realize you might be feeling it,...
by Pragito Dove: First, be one with yourself. Accept yourself. Love yourself.
...By Jordan: In order to know if you’re in a spiritual partnership and how to...
by Dr. Nikki Starr Noce, MD: How is your relationship with your family? Darlene Lancer: These are the costs of deception that partners rarely consider…
...This month we are given permission to celebrate a woman who was shamed and judged...
by Christine Carter: Print this list for Mother’s Day—or for your next family dinner or...
Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with...
by Kiri Wesby: Three recent examples we can all emulate. Pandit Rajmani Tigunait: By nature I am emotional rather than intellectual. Does this mean...
by Julie Peters: The yoga of relationships… Cynthia Connop: In my youth, I had a natural radiance and embodied vitality… Jennifer Litner: Yoga is an ancient practice that aims to promote mental and physical...
by Crystal Raypole: Everyone has emotional needs… Beth O’Brien, PhD: Being “you” and being “us” at the same time (“mwe”) and...
by Anu Lal: But then I found my gaze fixed at a point in space...
by Francesca Street: On Christmas morning 2011, Linda Wenger boarded a Metro-North train from New...
Leonard Jacobson: It had taken three years to integrate the experience of that first awakening.
...Excellence Reporter: Leonard, what is the meaning of life?