Articles for: Love

by Eivind Figenschau Skjellum: When we set out on the path of growth, it is...

by Tammara Wells: “It seems to me that our three basic needs, for food and...

by David Deida: For the Masculine, death and sex are inextricably interwoven; that is, good...

Oxytocin is a hormone produced primarily in the hypothalamus and acts as a neurotransmitter in...

Marion Woodman talks about self love.


by Paramahansa Yogananda: If you feel you are not making spiritual progress, the first thing...

by Jonathan Robinson: Some couples (and even therapists) say it’s healthy to have occasional fights...

Awaken: It is an honor and a privilege to spend this time with you. I...

by R.J. Wilson: Cut right to the heart of her identity with these science-tested questions…


by Margot Anand: Many people mistakenly believe that Tantra is a spiritual bastardization of sexual...

by Guru Singh: How meditation practice is medicine


Osho speaks about how making love can be a beautiful experience but religion has often...

Oh God I need to know you’re still above, I just want to be loved,...

by Emily Rose Barr: The love you bear for yourself is never unrequited…


  by Donna Quesada: The guided prayer featured in this video, For the Animals, is...

by Margot Anand: During the fifties, Psychologist Abraham Maslow, who developed the concept of “peak...

by Andrew Harvey: An Excerpt From “Evolutionary Love Relationships: Passion, Authenticity, and Activism


Daisaku Ikeda: The following is the full text of an email interview with SGI President...

by Ananda Giri: Lead with Love is a social impact organization committed to shifting culture...

Byron Katie talks to Joginder Bola about relationships and love using The Work to question...

Rumi is one of the great spiritual masters and poetical geniuses of mankind and was...

Love will lay a carpet of treasures under your feet. ~ Rumi


Be foolishly in love, because love is all there is. ~ Rumi. A collection of...

by Jim Rohn: Your family and your love must be cultivated like a garden…
