Articles for: Love

Strong women have such an impact on our lives that we can’t help but be...

by Jiddu Krishnamurti: You see, we realize that we must change. Let us take as...

by Jiddu Krishnamurti: The mind that has put its house in order, has understood the...

by Nicole Lyn Pesce: Oprah dubbed happiness guru Gabrielle Bernstein the voice of a spiritual...

Working in the therapeutic sector with many different people in many types of relationships –...

by Ram Dass: The most important aspect of love is not in giving or the...

by Karen Maezen Miller: A woman came to the retreat in Kansas City in October....

How to create a soul-loving environment. by Cheryl Richardson: When in doubt, throw it out....

by Jonathan Robinson: Having written two books that consist mostly of questions (The Little Book...

by Bill Carmody: In your business, relationships, or family life, pain is inevitable, but suffering...

by Marianne Willimson: Consider something new and miraculous.


by Don Miguel Ruiz: Many years ago, after finishing a cycle of teaching with my...

By Marc and Angel: Here are twenty habits happy couples have:


by Donna Quesada: As I sit, gazing at the little figurine of the Virgin Mary...

3/17/11 by Jason Wachob: Sharon Salzberg is one of the leading insight meditation teachers in...

by Gary Zukav: The hardest times to choose love are the very times when you...

Tricycle: In Europe we haven’t had the experience that you have had in America of...

Giving up, giving in, just plain giving—Sharon Salzberg says that’s the truly transformative experience.


by Sharon Salzberg: I have traveled around this country on book tours fully five times...

There’s only one way to save your sanity in this speeded-up, lunatic world. Patience, says...

Learn to rejoice in the good fortune of others and your own happiness multiplies –...

by Ed and Deb Shapiro: Given the state of the world today it’d be totally...

Archbishop Desmond Tutu was awarded the 1984 Nobel Peace Prize for his immense contribution to...

by Deepak Chopra MD: All of us, I feel fairly certain, believe that forgiveness is...