Articles for: Love

by Via Zoë Kors: We want intimacy and avoid sex. Or we fear intimacy and...

Will acts of kindness and generosity make us happier? Do heart-directed altruistic acts depend on...

With humor, wisdom, and compassion, renowned teacher and philosopher Dr. Jean Houston teaches you how...

by Anthony (Tony) Robbins: One of the best ways to become aware of the astonishing...

by Karen Bouris: Before Eat, Pray, Love was a movie and a travel tour, it...

by Shakti Gawain: Here are some techniques that can be very effective for healing ourselves...

by Beth Levine: When I started asking various long-term couples what they do to keep...

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: Once you transition to the dream of love that is unconditional,...

by Daisaku Ikeda: Delivered at the auditorium of the University of Bologna, Italy, on June...

by Daisaku Ikeda: On March 23, 2007, the University of Palermo in Sicily, Italy, presented...

by Daisaku Ikeda: A lecture delivered at the East-West Center, Hawaii, USA, January 26, 1995


By Daisaku Ikeda: Delivered at Rajiv Gandhi Institute for Contemporary Studies, New Delhi, October 21,...

by Sandra Ingerman – A Message of Encouragement. I know there many people who are...

“How will you serve the world? What do they need that your talent can provide?...

by Byron Katie: Who is The Work for? It’s for everyone who wants to end...

I’ve been reading some of David Deida‘s work again. When I encountered him initially, I...

by Marianne Williamson: THERE ARE TWO BASIC filters through which to view all things: the...

by Jonathan Robinson: On the path toward enlightenment, there is an ever-present obstacle that one...

by Skye Norris: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear...

by Elliot D. Cohen Ph.D: Find out what making love really is and how you...

Deepak Chopra MD: To have worldly success, do you have to be worldly yourself? Most...

What inspired you to write about relationships?


Sonia Choquette Ph.D. shares with us her views on her definition of soulmates and the...

Andrea Bocelli – Hallelujah
