By Jack Kornfield: In some form, the vision of the bodhisattva is celebrated in every...
by Paulo Coelho: I had proposed to publish here, once a year, texts by Carlos...
by Gabrielle Bernstein: Many of us long for a life of happiness and peace, but...
Mooji: No sadhana, no spiritual practice for you. You have the easy way out; you...
by Oprah Winfrey: Author Marianne Williamson says a miracle is a shift in perception from...
Karen Armstrong, acclaimed author and religious scholar, speaks at St Paul’s Cathedral on the topic...
Founder and director of The Mystery School, a program of mythology and culture, Jean Houston,...
by Ken Wilber: Ken explains why an all-knowing, all powerful God would ever want to...
Sonia Choquette Ph.D. talks about healing, energy and soul integration.
...Guru Singh of Yoga West in L.A. shares his spiritual guidance and wisdom… Alma Tassi: The venerable Lynne Twist has traversed the world speaking about finances, leadership,...
Deepak Chopra MD: and Stuart Hameroff take an in-depth dive into the science of consciousness. Deepak Chopra MD: In modern society there is almost no choice but to follow...
Margo Anand talks with Catharina Ooijens about sacred sexuality and the art of tantra.
...Spiritual author don Miguel Ruiz has spent his life traveling the world and speaking to...
“Gabrielle Bernstein is doling out inner peace and self-love for the post-modern spiritual set. Paulo Coelho: I was never one to dwell on the past; I feel that...
Part of a one hour talk with Sandra Ingerman, Author and Shaman. Video part 1...
by Meg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D.: Psychic and master healer Meg Losey shares her alternative healing...
by Laura Alden Kamm: Buddhism teaches us, above all, that insights perceived through direct life...