Articles for: Spirit Feature

“Gabrielle Bernstein is doling out inner peace and self-love for the post-modern spiritual set.


Donna Quesada: Now, I also wanted to follow up on that. Do you have a...

by Kristopher Love: An unlikely poster boy for meditation, Wolverine star Hugh Jackman revealed


Paramhansa Yogananda about Kriya Yoga…


by Gabrielle Bernstein: Many of us long for a life of happiness and peace, but...

Mooji: No sadhana, no spiritual practice for you. You have the easy way out; you...

An excerpt from the Caroline Myss lecture on the Three Levels of Power and how...

by Sharon Salzberg: The following is excerpted from Real Happiness at Work: Meditations for Accomplishment,...

To listen is to lean in softly with a willingness to be changed by what...

It seems to me that one of the most basic human experiences, one that is...

by Gary Zukav: Authenticity is now a requirement of our evolution.


Donna Quesada: Well, Candi Cane, it is wonderful to finally meet you. Candi Cane Copper:...

Deepak Chopra MD: Only a few decades ago, Western medicine viewed the body as a...

Gabrielle Bernstein talks about living from your own power.


by Paulo Coelho: I had proposed to publish here, once a year, texts by Carlos...

by Steve Paulson: The integral philosopher explains the difference between religion, New Age fads and...

A tribute montage to Yogi Bhajan, the master of kundalini yoga…


by Adam Vaughan: Eight Nobel laureates urge the prime minister Desmond Tutu to support EU...

by Alma Tassi: The venerable Lynne Twist has traversed the world speaking about finances, leadership,...

Louise L. Hay and Dr. Christiane Northrup speak candidly at The Hay House I Can...

by Pragito Dove: First, be one with yourself. Accept yourself. Love yourself.


Donna Quesada: Your journey has taken you through so many paths and I did learn...

by Jean Houston: When I was about two and a half years old, and my...

His first book, Your Erroneous Zones, is one of the best-selling books of all time,...