Articles for: technology

by Marc Prosser: If a group of scientists is successful, the Svalbard Global Seed Vault...

by Peter H. Diamandis, MD: The boundaries between digital and physical space are disappearing at...

by Yuval Noah Harari: “As the pace of change increases, the very meaning of being...

by Thomas Hornigold: It’s the end of a long day in your apartment in the...

Report says humans may be on brink of cutting fossil fuel generation, even as demand...

You won’t see it on showroom floors, but BMW is putting faith in its new...

Innovative design promises high performance without rare-earth magnets


This morning I interviewed Daniel Kraft for Singularity 1 on 1…


by Saul Perlmutter, Adam G. Riess and Brian P. Schmidt: Will the U.S. continue to...

by Peter H. Diamandis: Recently, I interviewed my friend Ray Kurzweil at the Googleplex for...

by Sam Apple: Matthew Vander Heiden helped revive the forgotten— but critical—study of cancer metabolism…


Most people watch TV or some other screen before bed…


When the heck did electric commercial flight become a realistic prospect?!


by Yaniv Vardi: With its ambitious transition to wind and solar electricity, Germany is cutting...

by Emma Seppälä: New research is exploring how phubbing—ignoring someone in favor of our mobile...

Andrew Hessel is a futurist and catalyst in biological technologies, helping industry, academics, and authorities...

Can we, as adults, grow new neurons? Neuroscientist Sandrine Thuret says that we can…


by Rachel Gillett: With all the advice out there about how to stop procrastinating, it’s...

by Zachary Shahan: I’ll let you in on a little secret: we’re electric car fans...

by Justin Bariso: At 31 years old, Steve Jobs left Apple and started NeXT. Here’s...

by Rebecca Hiscott: People assume that iPhones, laptops and Netflix are evidence of progress. In...

by Peter Diamandis: As we close out 2016, if you’ll allow me, I’d like to...

by David G. Victor: What a difference a decade makes. Ten years ago, during the...

US Department of State: Recalling the meeting between President Xi Jinping and President Joseph R....