Awaken Earth – Practicing Loving Stewardship of our Sacred Planet and its Creatures

Guided Meditation Video for Children and their Parents


by Dr. Bohdanna Zazulak: To understand the nature of humanity and our true needs,


Innovative design promises high performance without rare-earth magnets


by Richard Grant: A controversial German forester says yes, and his ideas are shaking up...

David Welch: What does it mean to awaken? Is there a process leading to levels...

by George Nicholas: When it supports their claims, Western scientists value what Traditional Knowledge has...

When the heck did electric commercial flight become a realistic prospect?!


by Yaniv Vardi: With its ambitious transition to wind and solar electricity, Germany is cutting...

Ram Dass: Someone asked me if the earth will still be habitable when their three...

The veteran naturalist and broadcaster is not holding back (this time)…


by Zachary Shahan: I’ll let you in on a little secret: we’re electric car fans...

by Maria Popova: “While stroking an octopus, it is easy to fall into reverie…
