Awaken Earth – Practicing Loving Stewardship of our Sacred Planet and its Creatures

These sand stone walls truly put things into perspective Zion National Park


The Guinigi tower is one of the few remaining towers in the center of the...

Supercell near Leoti, Kansas. Photogrpher by @markokorosecnet.


by Fu-Ding Cheng: This “fast” is actually a cleansing diet of your own design…


World’s oldest olive tree in Greece on Crete island is 3500 years Old!


The Subway is a small, uniquely-shaped slot canyon within the Zion Wilderness in Zion National...

White Cherry in Japan. A vigorous, strong cherry blossom tree with an unmistakable flat-topped,


by Marianne Williamson: I remember the first Earth Day. It began the year I graduated...