Awaken Indigenous – December 21, 2012 – Birthing Of The New Humanity

by Liana Minassian: Everybody eats. We all need food to live, and we all need...

by Fu-Ding Cheng: Shamans are people of two worlds, the physical and the spiritual…


by Jacob Devaney: The importance of water in the Lakota Tradition…


by Théun Mares: For many people, the term Toltec refers to a Mesoamerican culture…


by Jonathan Davis: The Healing Power of Listening in Stillness…


by Jair Robles: Interview With Sergio Magaña, teacher of the Nahuatl Tradition…


by Eric: “There is a secret, and this is it.” ~ Terence McKenna


Mexico is perhaps most well-known, archaeologically speaking, as the home of the Aztec civilization…


The Munay-Ki are the nine great rites of initiation of the medicine way…


Seven Principles of Distraction…


by Sharon Blackie: Reigniting the divine feminine through Celtic stories and traditions…


It is much easier to notice traits in others than in ourselves…
