Awaken Mind - A Wonderful Servant and A Terrible Master

by Margaret Paul: Take a moment to think about the last time you procrastinated…


Donna Quesada shares a powerful pranayama or breathing technique from the tradition of Kundalini Yoga,...

by Ray Hemachandra: Rabbi, would you define transpersonal psychology?


There is no perfect time to mediate—But you can try these 6 simple steps to...

Donna Quesada: I remember when I was in the Zen temple, some of the intellects...

TIME is not real – it is a human construct to help us differentiate between...

by Jan Johnston Osburn: Have you ever spent an evening with a friend who turned...

by Justin Gammill: As we wander through this journey that is life, we go through...

Everyone loves that warm heart feeling they get when they do something kind for another....

by Laura Day: Laura Day and how intuition empowers our lives…


Meditation dates back to around 1,500 BCE when it was used in the ancient Hindu...

by Donna Quesada: Everything Feels Overwhelming—
